I Am Worthy

A Trauma-Informed, Attachment Centered Approach To Healing For Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers

“The “I Am Worthy” coaching class is truly amazing. Ruth created a safe space for me to learn, process, and start healing from what I now recognize as childhood narcissistic and emotional abuse.  In this course I’ve connected with other women with similar stories and struggles. The validation and community support became the safe space I needed to dig deeper and start reflecting on my true emotions and baggage. Ruth will give you the knowledge, tools, and support you need as you work through recognition, acceptance, self-protecting boundaries, and healing.  After MANY years of reading books, seeing therapists, and trying to desperately understand my mother’s dysfunction and continued emotional hold on me; it is this course that put me on a road to organized and gently accountable healing. I’m rising above the unhealthy relationships my childhood created and ensuring I break this cycle for my own children. It’s truly a gift I’m giving myself and future generations. THANK YOU RUTH! -MP”

This 12-week private group coaching and mentorship for daughters of narcissistic mothers who are ready to take the brave step of ending the legacy of distorted love. 

If you have been to therapy or are going to therapy, this will be different as we will be covering the narcissistic mother wound in depth.

This coaching focuses on helping you heal from maternal narcissism specifically. 

Even though your mother did everything in her power to make you feel like you weren’t worthy of love, this is far from the truth.

Your mother was projecting her unworthiness onto you and used you as her scapegoat for all her insecurities. It’s time to face the truth, the truth is that you are valuable and worthy of love. 

There will only be 10 daughters per group coaching session to make sure each daughter gets the attention and validation she needs to feel safe and heard.

What you will learn:

Foundation Work:

You can’t heal without understanding the way your body reacted to all the abuse you endured from your mother. The foundation work requires understanding your body and trauma. It’s understanding that you experienced complex trauma and how you adapted to survive. When you understand the symptoms due to trauma, you understand how to work with your body to heal it. In this important step, you will learn how your body handles stress, adversity, and threat. You will learn your range of tolerance and how to regulate your body so that you can do the healing work. Because without this foundational step, healing is almost impossible. 

Step 1: Understanding Maternal Narcissism And Its Effects

After you have an idea of how trauma affects your and its symptoms, you will see how it all relates to how your mother treated you. Step 1 is understanding maternal narcissism and how it affected your relationships from romantic to friendships. You will learn what type of mother you have and what kinds of behaviors she used to control you and make you feel worthless. You will learn how a narcissistic family functions and how it stays in place. Understand maternal narcissism will show you that there was nothing wrong with you after all. It was the type of mother who raised you that made you feel like you weren’t good enough. After this step, you will feel many emotions including anger, sadness, rage, guilt, and shame and you will also feel some relief because you’ll realize that the way you were treated had nothing to do with your worth. This step is preparing you for step 2, which is the grieving process.

Step 2: Acceptance and Grieving

Now that you have an idea of what maternal narcissism did in your life, it is time to face your past and grieve. The first step to grieving the narcissistic mother wound is coming to terms with the reality of your family of origin. It means accepting that the way you were raised was not ideal and because of this you suffered and your development was stunted. This is the part of the work where you will come to terms with what constitutes abuse and how it shaped you now as an adult. If you haven’t been in touch with your emotions, this step is where you will start processing your emotions and feeling if you are numb. Part of grieving will include releasing your anger, facing your sadness or depression, and untangling the guilt that you feel. It will also trigger you and bring feelings of shame but this is all part of the process and needs to happen to heal. This is where grieving starts, this is when you realize that you can’t go back in time and get what you missed out of. If you haven’t grieved, you need to teach yourself to grieve and this is where you will learn that. Acceptance and grief prepare you for the next step which is finally separating yourself from your mother and the lies you’ve internalized from her. 

Step 3: Separation and Individuation

Separation and individuation are fostering your independence apart from your mother. Because you were either controlled or shame, you were taught to not focus on what you wanted. Instead, you were raised to ignore your core self and put on a show for your mother. Whether you were doing your best to be a good daughter to get some form of approval or your every decision was controlled by your mother, this step means creating your sense of self. This step will include looking at the lies and beliefs you internalized from your mother and creating a new narrative. It will mean understanding your mother’s projections and how her envy kept you trapped under her spell. You will understand your triggers and how to manage them and how to not become your mother. This step will lead you to finally becoming your most authentic self. 

Step 4: Your Most Authentic Self

This step is all about you now! It’s about what you want out of the relationship with your mother. You have a say. You will learn how boundaries are affected by your mother and how to set boundaries, including if no contact is necessary for you to thrive. Setting boundaries will help you pour into yourself more and give you freedom from your mother. You have the power now. You will learn how to give yourself what your mother lacked such as nurturing, validation, and guidance. You will learn to be your own best mother and treat yourself with love and compassion because you are truly worth it.

It’s time to end the narcissistic legacy. 

You will get:

After coaching, you will be able to:

From survivor to thriver. You will no longer be controlled by the lies you’ve internalized from your mother. You will live your life as a woman who knows her worth. You will set boundaries like a boss and stand up for yourself. You will no longer let shame run your life and you will know exactly what to do to manage your triggers. You will create better and more fulfilling relationships with people who truly care for you. This will take time, so practicing self-compassion will help you along the way.

Bonuses (go away when cart closes):


This if for you if:

Hi, I’m Ruth. I'm a daughter, a wife, and a mother wound coach specializing in helping daughters of narcissistic mothers heal.

Working with Ruth:

"Ruth is special as she understands it from a POC (person of color) point of view and navigates complex situations with ease and compassion. You can also be assured that Ruth won’t judge you."

"Ruth understands your position and is your ally. No matter what stage you’re in of your process, you will be supported and feelings validated."

"Ruth is easygoing and relatable, and understands the cultural/personal aspect of narcissistic mothers."

Fill Out The Application To Confirm Your Spot:



Do I need any extra materials to take part in group coaching?

You will need a journal, Zoom application, Slack access, and access to your Teachable login account where you will have access to the class recordings for a lifetime.

When does this container start and how long does it last?

The session starts on the week of August 15, 2022, and ends on the week of November 14, 2022. The container is 12 weeks. Coaching Calls will be held every Saturday (until further notice) at 11 AM PST, and 2 PM EST. 


What if I can't make one of the calls?

Ideally, you’d want to make all calls. This is an investment in you. It’s important to show up for yourself because you matter. Sometimes things may come up and that’s understandable. The goal should be to make MOST calls. Coming to the calls will allow you to do the work and interact with other daughters. Lectures are recorded and you can go back and review them. Live calls will not be recorded so showing up live allows you to learn from others’ questions and experiences. 

Is this like therapy?

Coaching is more about focusing on the present and applying tools to aid in healing right away. Although we will be covering the past, coaching is to help you start healing NOW. Ruth is not a licensed therapist, she is a coach, please read the disclaimer below for more details. Ruth has an understanding of trauma-informed care and attachment theory.

Where will calls be held?

Through Zoom platform.

How long will I have access to the recordings?

You get lifetime access.

Who is this coaching for?

Group coaching is for you if you want a space where you feel supported and validated. It’s for you if you want to feel like you’re not the only one. It’s for you if you are ready to show up for yourself and do all the exercises and hard work that it requires to heal. It’s for you if you are done making it about your mother and you want to own your life and heal. You will get triggered and dysregulated. This is completely normal and part of healing. There will be hard subjects, painful emotions, anger, rage, and crying. If you are ready to face all that, this is for you. If you’re not ready, Ruth provides resources through Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube if you have any questions about maternal narcissism.


Ruth is not a therapist. She brings her own lived personal experience and aids in providing daughters tools so they can start healing and living their lives. Ruth is certified in “Healing the Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers” mental health professional workshop training through Karyl McBride. She also is currently pursuing her master’s degree in Psychology. Ruth also understands the cultural aspects of narcissism as she is a first-generation, eldest daughter of an immigrant family. Ruth is also pursuing her certification as a Clinical Trauma Specialist through the Arizona Trauma Institute.




“Healing The Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers” Mental Health Professional Workshop Training – Karyl McBride (3 hrs)

Trauma-Informed Care: Understanding the Impact of Trauma on Children Birth to Five  – Southwest Human Development (3 hrs)

B.S. Business Administration – Finance – CSUDH

The advice and opinion sent to you privately are not intended to replace professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding your condition.

Customers reviews

What Daughters Are Saying...

"Step by step guide that adds clarity and hope for daughters like me. Very comprehensive and well-researched. Takes away the victimhood and gives the power back to us. The boundaries exercise was extremely helpful. Also, I learned a lot about how trauma evolved into repression and how it impacts my relationships with others and how I see the world. Was delivered with a lot of compassion/. I thought a knew a lot about this subject matter, but I was able to see the trees from the forest and learned even more about myself."
"It listed the areas I know I need to work on (boundary setting, working through repressed memories and shame). It’s been helpful learning from someone who truly understands narcissist mothers and won’t try to push to heal the relationship (like some therapists might who don’t understand or haven’t experienced this type of person)."
"The weekly sessions and replays, journal prompts and activities, and chat feature with other daughters in the course have been so valuable. I feel ready to address parts of my past and work on improving myself and my life."
"This workshop went more in depth with the tools that people can use to help deal with their mom, and help them understand where their anger and shame come from. It has made me become aware of how my relationship with my mom and how I deal with her affect my identity and relationships to others."