The Healing Daughter

Heal the narcissistic mother wound

Live at peace, celebrate your accomplishments and take control of your life.

Are you ready to cultivate confidence to be yourself, celebrate your accomplishments ? Would you like the ability to diminish stress and anxiety and feel at peace within yourself? Are you ready to relinquish perfectionism and be at peace with yourself?


If yes, then we can help you!

Are you ready to heal your mother wound?

The Healing Daughter offers coaching for daughters of narcissistic mothers ready to commit to heal their mother wound. This is a safe space specifically for daughters of narcissistic mothers who want to heal in a safe, validating space.


15-Minute One-on-One Check-In Calls


  1. Feedback and Q&A – Ability to ask questions and get coaching.
  2. Holding Space – A space for support and validation.
  3. Calls are schedule at your convenience.


The Healing Daughters 5 Step Road Map to Healing the Narcissistic Mother Wound ($997 value)


  1. Detailed Modules: Step-by-step guidance to heal from maternal narcissism and rewire your nervous system.
  2. An Ever-Growing Resource Library: Workbooks, worksheets, journals, and more.


Trauma-Informed Curriculum to Heal Complex Trauma + Monthly Calls ($1,755 value)

A trauma-informed, psychoeducational group curriculum designed to guide you through the complexities of trauma recovery. S.E.L.F. serves as a compass, leading you through the critical domains of safety, emotions, loss, and future, providing a holistic approach to healing



Access to the inner circle group for accountability, connection, and support.

The Step By Step Process

Nervous System Mastery

Uncover the profound effects of maternal narcissism on your nervous system. Delve into the reasons behind your persistent anxiety and familiarize yourself with the triggers from past experiences. Recognize the roots of your anxiety, discern your triggers, and develop strategies to manage them. By the end of this step, you will have a more balanced nervous system, understand and manage your anxiety, and create a toolkit to regulate your triggers.

Decoding Maternal Narcissism

Gain a comprehensive insight into the depths of maternal narcissism. Recognize its extensive influence on your life and familiarize yourself with the typical behaviors and underlying reasons for your mother’s actions. By the end of this step, you will attain a clear perspective on the impact of your mother’s narcissism, preparing you for the subsequent healing steps.

Embracing Grief & Acceptance

Undertake the vital grieving journey – for the idealized mother you never had, the childhood taken from you, and the myriad losses experienced due to your mother’s narcissism. By the end of this step, you will have achieved detachment from your mother, break from enmeshment, mature, and open a pathway to your sense of self. 

Independence & Self-Reconstruction

Analyze the beliefs instilled in you, dispel the myths, and reconstruct healthier perspectives. Understand your mother’s projections and their contribution to self-sabotage while identifying and adapting your traits for better-coping mechanisms. By the end of this step, you will have established a strong foundation of independence, reshaped ingrained beliefs, and cultivated adaptive coping strategies.

Cultivating Inner Nurturance

Channel the essence of motherly care, protection, and validation from within. Dive deep into self-discovery, exploring your preferences, beliefs, and values. Set boundaries, enforce them, and decide the nature of your relationship with your mother. By the end of this step, you will have achieved self-attunement, established personal boundaries, and defined your relationship terms with your mother. Achieve a harmonious, empowered state where you honor and enforce your boundaries, crafting a future on your terms.

The Healing Daughters Society is for you if....

  1. You’re a daughter who’s experienced narcissistic mothering and you want to finally feel confident, celebrate your accomplishments and end self-sabotage.
  2. If you have some knowledge on maternal narcissism and know that it’s not your fault. You’re ready to release the “good” daughter title.
  3. If you’re constantly anxious and want to diminish your anxiety and find peace.
  4. You want stop people pleasing and instead meet your needs.
  5. You want to be in a space where you are validated and seen.
  6. If you are ready to stop making it about your mother and finally put yourself first.

From Those Who've Walked the Path:


This program is tailored for daughters who are poised to take agency over their lives. If you’re keen on learning and applying tools to mend the mother wound, manage triggers, and transition the narrative from mom to mastering your own destiny, this is your call to action. It’s essential to be proactive, consistently show up, and utilize the tools provided. Please note: participants must be over 18 and not currently living with their mother.

Coaching vs. Therapy: Know the Difference

Coaching emphasizes the present and future, while therapy connects the past to the present. They can complement each other in your healing journey.


Disclaimer: I’m a mother wound coach, not a licensed therapist or psychologist. My guidance stems from my training and experience. If a situation surpasses my expertise, I might suggest seeking a therapist. It’s crucial to understand coaching and therapy’s distinct roles.

  • Coaching: A collaborative process that motivates clients to achieve their maximum potential. It centers on current situations, future aspirations, and strategies for success.

  • Trauma-Informed Coaching: Acknowledges trauma’s role in the coaching relationship, using it to foster resilience and solutions.

  • Therapy: Focuses on understanding emotions and past events to interpret the present, primarily aiding in managing emotions and past challenges.

The investment:

1. Initial one-time non-refundable $297 joining fee – This fee ensures commitment and covers essential costs, guaranteeing a high-quality experience for all participants throughout our sessions.

2. Monthly community fee – $20/month (the first 30 days free)

3. Your first initial payment will be $297 and then $20 a month which you can cancel anytime.


Once you’ve completed this, you’ll receive instructions for your $20/month subscription.


Doors will remain open from August 31, 2024 – September 2, 2024.

Hi there, I’m Ruth Cale, a dedicated mother wound coach and certified trauma specialist. Drawing from both professional expertise and personal experience, I’m deeply committed to assisting daughters of narcissistic mothers on their healing journey. As a daughter, mother, wife, and friend, I’ve personally navigated the path to inner peace by addressing my own mother wound. Through “The Healing Daughter,” I aim to shed light on the often taboo subject of narcissistic mothering. My mission is to equip fellow daughters with the necessary tools to heal, promoting awareness and fostering inner peace.

Working With Ruth
  • “Ruth is special as she understands it from a POC (person of color) point of view and navigates complex situations with ease and compassion. You can also be assured that Ruth won’t judge you.”
  • “Ruth understands your position and is your ally. No matter what stage you’re in of your process, you will be supported and feelings validated.”
  • “Ruth is easygoing and relatable, and understands the cultural/personal aspect of narcissistic mothers.”